How to Remove Green Screen in After Effects + Visual Tips | Teckers®

How to Remove Green Screen in After Effects + Visual Tips | Teckers®

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Solved: MP4 only GREEN SCREEN - Codec H (I think) - Adobe Support Community - .How to fix the green screen videos in After Effects? 


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After the filming is done, video editing software is used to key out or remove the color from behind the actor, making it see-through or transparent.

Therefore, you are free to add any background footage you want and place the subject in any type of set. You can make it look like you are driving a car without a license, or even import any 2D or 3D animation and make it look like it plays with the actor.

When filming the actor on chroma, the lightning of the background screen plays a big role in getting a good chroma key. If it is not done properly, the keying process becomes hard to impossible to realize. If you are new to this industry and you plan to film your chroma, I recommend that you first watch a guide on how to adjust the lights.

A long story short, you must avoid darker greens, the screen has to be bright and uniform. Import your footage inside the After Effects project and create a new composition with it. For the next step, you can either add each plugin one by one, or all at the same time.

You surely notice that there are still some pieces left that are not keyed properly. To eliminate them, simply set the view in Combined Matte mode and crank up the Screen Gain a notch. Combined Matte will turn everything that is not transparent to white; this way you can easily see the remaining debris.

After cleaning the frame, set the view back to Intermediate Result. If the Final Result view is accidentally set, artefacts will occur on your footage. Clip Black and Clip White will help you do it. Go ahead and crank up the Clip Black and lower the Clip White.

If needed, you can also adjust the other settings, but everything should be fine by now from my experience. The Intermediate Result view mode will leave the margins with a green color spill — you do not want that! To remove it, you must add the Advanced Spill Suppressor plugin.

Out of the box, it will automatically detect the color it needs to remove and will have great results. However, if something unexpected happens, set the Method to Ultra and manually select the color.

Besides changing the key color, you can also further fine-tune the settings and get everything as smooth as you want it to be. Depending on how the keyed footage looks at this point, you might want to modify some settings. My advice is to check the Reduce Chater box — by doing so, it will eliminate visible noise around the edges of the subject. In case the edges are too soft, you can always crank up the Alpha Contrast.

Although, avoid increasing too much. If increased too much, it will make the margins look pixelated and extremely sharp. I recommend using a lower value for Additional Edge Radius — it all depends on the footage. Select the "Eye dropper" icon next to the Screen Color option. Click on a section of the green screen towards the middle of your video.

Click on "View" and select "Status. These areas will appear white and gray around the object. Increase the Screen Grain until the outer edges of gray and white disappear and you see just the shape of the object. Click on the Effect Controls tab in the top left of the software.

Scroll down until you find the Color Key Effect. Click on the eyedropper tool next to the Color option. Click on the green screen in the Composition Window. Most of the green will disappear.

Move the Color Tolerance slider and adjust to remove similar shades of green or darker areas that were cast from shadows and lighting. Adjust the Edge Feather option so that the objects in front of the green screen will blend into the background without rough or glowing edges. Play a preview of the video to ensure that the green screen does not appear throughout the complete timeline. Adjust the Edge Feather and Color Tolerance as needed.



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